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As private practitioners, we have combined our passion for helping individuals and families recover from substance abuse with our love of people. We seek every opportunity to develop relationships with patients - seeing to it that they live productive, healthy lives. Equally important is our effort to build a network that reaches out to other therapists and physicians. Our practice allows us to refer clients
without having to select individuals that work within a certain network. We remain aware of the resources within our community and if a client needs rehabilitation, social services, or another resource typically available at larger hospitals
but not provided in private practice, we connect them to these important resources. Please contact us to schedule an appointment Joanne Bresnahan MA, MLADC, IDSP, SAP, CADAC, LCS (603) 965-6477. You can also reach us by e-mail jojobres@comcast.net or through our website at bresnahanandballcounselingservices.com.